THE MINING, GEOLOGICAL & METALLURGICAL INSTITUTE OF INDIA (MGMI) MGMI, the oldest institute of its kind in Asia has been promoting the cause of the mineral industry since its inception on 16 January 1906. It has been on the forefront of professional societies in mining and geosciences around the world. MGMI has always provided a forum for sharing experiences and learning of the latest in best practices and technology. The Institute presently has around 3000 members serving the mining, minerals and metallurgical industry and diversified its valued added activities in various fields. The institute is having its headquarter and one of its branch in Kolkata and 18 more branches throughout the country.
TAFCON TAFCON is a professionally managed company with over six decades of experience and expertise in organizing International Trade Fairs and Conferences in India and overseas, on various subjects namely Construction, Environment, Oil & Gas, Minerals and Metals, Mining, Paper, Poultry, Diary & Food Technology, Packaging, Travel & Tourism, Education, Printing & allied industry, etc.